"Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people." Isaiah 56:7
The Lord's work here in Yamagata continues to encourage and challenge. Surrounded as we are by mountains, we long for the Japanese to be included in this beautiful promise of God. Please pray that those we come in contact with will see the Lord Jesus as God's perfect burnt offering, His beloved sacrifice on our and their behalf.
Since Japanese begin learning their identity as a Japanese in the home (with ancestor worship and doting parents), then in the neighborhood (with festivals and special days), then in school (with history lessons and club activities), it is amazing that hearing about the one true and living God Who loves them and gave Himself for them strikes a chord in their hearts and brings them to church or Bible study to hear more. Most families realize that people's hearts differ from each other, and if someone thinks there is only one God, that's fine. Just don't jeopardize your identity as a Japanese.
Mr. Tada and Mrs. Nakamura are struggling with this dilemma now. They attend services on Sunday and during the week, and seem to understand the commitment required to forsake all other "gods". But they haven't the courage to defy their families and reject their "identity" as Japanese. For instance, they are struggling to find a solution to the problem “Who else will assume the responsibility of tending our family graves and house alters according to the Japanese, i.e., the Buddhist, tradition but we, the heads of the household?” Please ask God to shine the light of His love and identity into the darkness of their lives. And pray that He will give us the wisdom and words to lead each of them to a confession of Christ.
Two Christian young women, Shio Akiho, photographer and Nao Muto, a nursing student, both with Christian parents, have begun studying the Bible together regularly. As our little congregation "gentrifies", we are excited to see young people take responsibility for their continued growth in Christ and look for ways to reach out to their peers.
Please pray for the three men being trained as elders and deacon: Dr. Hiroshi Yamamoto, Shinji Sasaki and Shinichi Inoue. These are godly men, appreciated by the community as well as the chapel. Pray especially that they would learn to prioritize their schedules, resting from their labors and trusting God to give them wisdom and strength to do what is necessary.
We appreciate very much your interest in and concern for us and the Lord's work in Yamagata. We had a wonderful summer with all our children and grandchildren. We spent weeks and months pleading with God to protect and encourage and then rejoicing to see His hand at work! We serve a Risen Savior!
Kaz and Katie Yaegashi