Called to the Hills and the Plains of Miyagi
"Since you are precious in My sight, Since you are honored and I love you, I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life. Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, And gather you from the west." (Isa 43:4-5 NAS)
May God be pleased to call his people from the east including Japan!
Dear Friends,
Several years ago, a woman told us her story of conversion to Christ and pleaded with us to go to the hills to bring the gospel. An American missionary first came to her mountain village when she was a young girl. With his wife and 4 kids, he would visit the homes to invite people for the Bible message, set up a tent, and then wait. Only the children of the village would come, but he persevered week after week. How many of these became disciples of Christ? We don’t know, but this woman did, and she knew the cost both to Jesus and the missionary. He lost his eldest son to a dreaded disease of that day, but he pressed on. Likewise, she urged us: go to the hills and villages where they have not heard the Word of God; go where others do not want to go. That left a deep imprint on our hearts. We pray that, in time, we will be able to visit all the homes in the area to invite them to worship.
Our temporary home lies 1 kilometer from the hills of southern Miyagi Prefecture and about the same distance from the mighty Pacific that wiped out nearly a thousand homes in 2011 in this town; 5 years hence, the population is decreased by 25%. Some still live in “temporary” housing, waiting for more housing and apartments to be built. Here God has opened the door to bring the gospel to those who have never heard. We praise him for his mercies in answering this woman’s prayer and ours.
After 2 years of semi-monthly afternoon services at Nozomi (Hope) Center, the Yamamoto Nozomi Church, the only Christian church in the town, held its first (a.m.) worship service on September 4th in the morning. We were thankful to celebrate with some guests from other churches as well. Currently, we typically have 7 believers (mostly from nearby towns) and 1-3 interested visitors in the morning services. In the afternoon services, we often have 4 believers and 6 visitors. The attendees are largely different for the two services. We give thanks for the freedom and opportunity for the Word of God to be preached. We pray that the Lord will knit together the hearts of the believers and that they will form the core group of the church. May God be pleased to add to our number day by day those who will love the Lord and praise his holy name.
Earthquakes continue here as a reminder of the destruction of the past. People live cautiously with those painful memories. Five minutes before the close of evening worship this past Sunday, an earthquake disrupted the sermon. Initial warnings predicted a tsunami of 3.6 meters for our local area, and discussion ensued about whether to evacuate immediately. These are powerful reminders that God is in charge always and that his ways are perfect. May his power and perfection be evident to all, and may his Spirit be poured out upon this community to the praise of his glory.
Finally, we would ask your prayers for our future housing which is in the Lord’s good hands, as is all of our life. Since our rental housing (in the former factory) is available until the end of December and no other option seemed feasible, we took a step of faith to buy a house damaged by the earthquake and tsunami right near Nozomi Center, close to those to whom we are ministering. The first floor is as yet unlivable. Supplies have just arrived to refurbish it. We are praying that the Lord will provide laborers to help us finish this project in the next month. The neighbors are very happy that we have made this commitment to live and work there. Our prayer is that the Lord will use this home to help bring the truth of his Word and the love of Jesus Christ to the people here and to welcome future missionaries and missionary associates to the largely unreached field of Japan.
Please give thanks with us:
1) For the sacrificial service of both the Nozomi Center staff and the several volunteers from Sendai area churches who help out at activities. Please continue to pray for their health as most of the staff carry heavy family burdens while working steadily at the Center.
2) For the various weekly Center activities; pray for many to believe the Bible messages they hear and begin to come to worship.
3) On a personal note, we thank the Lord and all those who have been praying for our daughter. She passed her licensing exam while continuing to suffer the after effects of a concussion.
Please pray with us:
4) That the love of Christ would flow from our hearts to the people here, and God would provide many opportunities to share the Word of God.
5) That God would draw his people in faith and repentance through the teaching of God’s Word at Friends’ Lunch, Cooking Club, and worship services.
6) Pray for continued opportunities to meet people through community visitation and to invite them to the Nozomi Church and the Center activities.
7) That the Lord would lead His people who want to study the Bible weekly.
8) For new missionaries and Japanese coworkers in the churches.
9) For volunteers to help rebuild the house.
Thank you for being a part of the Lord’s work in Japan,
Woody and Laurie Lauer
October Hiyoko Café.
Worship service at Nozomi.
Worship service at Nozomi.
Friends Lunch bible message - God's Love Is True Love.
Friends Lunch - singing God's praises!