Want to serve in japan?
Want to serve in japan?
We are seeking new long-term missionary evangelists and missionary associates!
We'd love for you to have the opportunity to serve with us in Japan. Please contact us with your requests and inquiries and we will be sure to get back to you.
New missionaries
Definition of a missionary-evangelist
A missionary-evangelist is an ordained minister called to and installed for the work of
evangelism in Japan. If installed by a presbytery of the OPC, he is eligible to join the mission, as is
his wife (a non-voting member). If installed by a comparable judicatory of a sister denomination he
may apply to the mission for associate missionary status, including voting rights as in the case of
OPC evangelists.
The work of an evangelist comes from Scripture and is summarized
in the OPC Form of Governement: https://opc.org/BCO/FG.html#Chapter_VII
Qualifications for Service
A missionary should,
1) Have a sense of calling to the work of evangelism in Japan;
2) Have that calling confirmed by call and installation as a missionary-evangelist to Japan with the
Orthodox Presbyterian Church or a sister denomination;
3) Be seriously interested to a career of missionary service.
4) Be able to work in Japanese, or willing to learn it.
* If you fulfill these basics and wish to work with us please contact (See below)
Duties of a Missionary-Evangelist
The task of an evangelist is to preach the Word free of pastoral charge in a particular flock in
order that he may labor to bring in other sheep. And to those sheep whom Christ has brought in, evangelists
shall administer the sacraments until a congregation shall have been regularly organized.
Missionary associate
Definition of Missionary Associate
A Missionary Associate is one who goes to a mission field under the sponsorship of his local session or
presbytery to assist a Mission of the church in its task for evangelization, to provide an opportunity to test
his gifts for permanent service on the field, or to enrich the Associate’s life for greater service as a member
of the church to which he returns.
Qualifications for Service
The Missionary Associate should be:
1) normally a communicant member in good standing of the OPC or of a church of like faith and
2) a dedicated Christian, understanding that the primary purpose of going abroad is to serve Christ.
3) a college graduate, having either a skill through which to support himself on the field (usually the
ability to teach English) or sufficient funds saved up or promised for transportation and self-support,
or a combination of the two.
4) Ordinary missionary associates serve in pairs; two men, two women, or a husband and wife.
Duties of the Missionary Associate
The Missionary Associate is responsible for:
accepting the authority and direction of the Mission, and reporting orally on work and activities each
Mission meeting.
all financial needs and arrangements; please consult with the Mission for details.
ongoing language study.
actively serving at his assigned chapel (e.g. encouraging contacts into attend worship and to walk as
Christians, encouraging community contacts to visit worship services, visitation of community
contacts, tract distribution, assisting in hosting church events and meetings, etc.)