Dear Friends,
Thank you for praying for the Kids’ Sports Day, the June Friends’ Lunch, and the people of Yamamoto to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Below are a few pictures of the recent events.
We are rejoicing in God's abundant provision.
1) Our gracious God provided spectacular weather (in the middle of rainy season!) combined with a great park including a large sandbox for the little ones, a cycling course, a zip line, various challenging climbing equipment, baseball, and much more. We enjoyed an active, fun morning with the 11 kids, 2 moms, one grandpa and 10 staff. We had just enough hands to attend personally to everyone. Following lunch at Nozomi, we sang Christian songs and Woody gave a Bible message about God’s amazing love and the cross of Christ. Everyone listened intently, including the 2 moms. When we were praying, one 4 year-old who attends the Nozomi weekly English class and a daily Buddhist kindergarten asked her mom, “To whom are we praying? The “ojizousama?” She was referring to a Buddhist statue representing “the bodhisattva of hell-beings, as well as the guardian of children and patron deity of deceased children and aborted fetuses in Japanese culture.” Does that sound like a strange question to you? The message of the Bible sounds equally strange to the Japanese people who are hearing God’s Word for the first time while surrounded in a culture steeped in paganism. We thank God that her mother was listening to the Bible message and does listen to the weekly Bible message after each English class. Six of the kids who came regularly come to kids’ play time. Please pray that the seeds of God’s Word will take root in their hearts and the Lord will grant faith to each one.
2) Thank you for praying for the Bible message at Friends’ Lunch. Everyone enjoyed the event and listened carefully to the Bible message. We give thanks for some new friends attending this year. May God grant faith to each and especially boldness in the face of opposition by family and friends to want to become a disciple of Christ!
3) We thank the Lord also for the good response to the Bible message at the July Cooking Club. Each opportunity to proclaim God’s Word to these ladies is precious! Thursday, Mrs. H. who had attended English classes for several years told our son Jonathan that she has read through Genesis and is very interested in the Bible’s message, but has much more she doesn’t understand. Pray that God will pour out His Spirit bringing them to faith in Christ.
4) Thank God and pray with us for the labors of Jasmine Martin, our summer worker, who will arrive Thursday evening to assist both Nozomi and Megumi Chapels over the next 3 weeks. In addition to all the regular activities, Jasmine will help with an English Café (7/21), a one day Vacation Bible School (8/1), and the August Cooking Club (8/3). Deep thanks to Matt Filbert (RPCNA) for making the arrangements.
5) We are also eagerly looking forward to erecting a cross on the outside of Nozomi Church this month. Previously, the building had a cross on its signs and all literature identified it as a Christian Center. Pray that the Lord will be pleased to protect the name of Nozomi Church in the community and our relationships with everyone.
6) The Japan Times reported today, “Hundreds of thousands of people in western Japan affected by devastating floods and landslides continued to struggle on Wednesday with water outages, while the death toll in the country’s worst rain-related disaster in decades climbed to at least 176, with scores more still missing.” Over 255,000 homes remain without water in 11 prefectures. Pray for the ongoing rescue efforts for those in the affected areas and for the recovery process which is only just beginning. May God who rules over the storms bring aid and the true comfort of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Not to us, O LORD, not to us, But to Thy name give glory Because of Thy lovingkindness, because of Thy truth. Why should the nations say, "Where, now, is their God?" But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases. Their idols are silver and gold, The work of man's hands. They have mouths, but they cannot speak; They have eyes, but they cannot see; They have ears, but they cannot hear; They have noses, but they cannot smell; They have hands, but they cannot feel; They have feet, but they cannot walk; They cannot make a sound with their throat. Those who make them will become like them, Everyone who trusts in them. O Israel, trust in the LORD; He is their help and their shield. (Ps.115:1-9)
Indeed, pray that the people of Yamamoto, Japan, will put their trust in the Lord, the only God! We continue to covet your prayers for the Lord to gather his people to weekly worship, July 19 Friends’ Lunch, and the other various activities at Nozomi.
Thankful to be servants of Christ Jesus,
Woody and Laurie Lauer