Up-Coming Events:
1. Katie's Cookie Club
Saturday, July 22nd we will have several children come over to make some summery snacks. We hope that this fun activity will develop friendships especially among the Christian children.
2. VBS
While we used to have 10-15 children attending Vacation Bible School each year, recently we can expect only three or four. However, God often surprises us and the staff prepare for that! We are very eager to teach little ones about the Good Shepherd Who loves them, Who has done great things for them and Who is worthy of their devotion. One fifth grade girl who lives about three hours from Yamagata told her mother she wants to come here every summer. This will be her third year! Please pray that many more will join her.
3. Granddaughter Milan Zoe Jones ( one year old), second daughter of Megumi and Jason, will be baptized by her grandfather, Kaz, on August 6. All the Yaegashis (except our eldest son, James, who is filming in CA) will come from around the world. We (16 of us!) will all be together for the first time since Morris and Yuki's wedding in 2014. We are blessed by and thankful to our Loving Father for giving us this precious glimpse of Heaven where the family of God will meet at Jesus' feet, never to be parted again!
A Sweet Story from a Few Weeks Ago:
When Mrs. Y., a chapel member, was walking to her English Reading class, she saw a lady she recognized from that class walking a ways ahead of her. The lady stopped at each little shrine she passed, then bowed and prayed. Little by little Mrs. Y. caught up to her. She asked her if she was indeed praying. The lady said she was asking for protection from stumbling because she has a bad leg. Mrs. Y. said, "Why don't you come to our English Bible Study, and we will pray with you to the God Who really listens?" The lady said she would like to do that from September (because she has already paid for other lessons up until then).
We are very proud and encouraged by Mrs. Y.'s reaching out to that lady. We hardly know anyone who would share her faith so boldly and lovingly. (Do you?)
We love you all and appreciate more than you know your support of the Lord's work in Japan. Wherever in the world there are sinners, there is a need for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Yours for His sake,
Kaz and Katie Yaegashi