Ephesians 6: 18-19 The Uomoto and Sendai Megumi (Grace) Chapel -- Praise God for new beginnings!
1. We thank God for the long time faithful in worship like Mrs. Takahashi, her daughter and her brother Mr. Washimi, a navigator on ocean vessels, and for the Reformed Baptist-like Hayakawas with 2 young children. Recently the Lord has been adding several family units like the Izumikawas, an older couple who are enquirers seeking comfort for their daughter in pain from fibromyalgia, and an enthusiastic Christian couple, the Izumis, with a daughter married to an American in Indiana. In addition, 3-4 college or just graduated students come regularly, and a neighborhood woman, Mrs. Higuchi, whom we have known for years has begun attending also. Her son suffering from rheumatism from childhood who has attended Evangelical churches in the past is reading the Bible again and is seeking comfort through telephone and E-mailing. We are thankful for other visitors and pray the Lord would bring all to faith and repentance in Christ.
2. We thank God for the reception, June 5, of our newest member, Paul Lauer, 18, transferring from Kita Numazu Chapel. But we are sad we will be losing Paul in August when he goes off to Grove City College in Pennsylvania.
Reception of Paul Lauer.
3. Thankful for Bible studies Murray leads and for the women’s studies Tsuruko leads. We pray that the Lord would continue to root people in God’s Word and deepen their love for him.
4. Thankful for opportunities Murray has to share the gospel at the local mission school university chapels and on the radio. Pray that God would bring in a great harvest of believers for the Kingdom of Christ.
Murray speaking at Monday evening men's dorm chapel at the local mission school college campus.
Murray on the radio!
5. Thankful for all who have contributed their time and donated goods to help prepare our new building for worship. Please pray the Lord will provide volunteers and the finances to repay loans and provide other needed items.
6. May God be pleased to make this congregation a beacon of His Word, a source of his love, and a body of Christ gladly living out their obedience to God’s glory in this new location 2 minutes up the street by car from our home where we met for 19 years.
The Uomotos, Lauers, and Whitfords with some of the saints and seekers from Sendai Megumi Chapel.
His Peace,