In November, our church had its annual “One-Day Retreat” at a local Spa and Recreational facility in town. Yamagata is nation-wide famous for its hot springs, one of which is here. This place where we the retreat also has a natural hot spring bath. Every year since 2010 we have had a church retreat and through it we have given ourselves an opportunity to get to know each other, who otherwise don’t have much time for fellowship with each other after church or even during the week due to their busy daily work schedules. At the retreat, we have taken up various digging into the Bible and examining our faith-life. We either have a speaker or a CD to listen to. The study session is held from 10:30 till 12:00, with discussion time followed by lunch. After the program is over, which is about 14:30, those who love hot springs have their time of the day, taking a hot bath! Those of you who might not be familiar with an old Japanese custom, don’t have any mistaken notion - Men and Women take baths separately!
This year we invited an elder from Sendai Reformed Church to speak to us about the work of elders in the life of the local church. He worked at an office supply company for over 40 years, during which time he was transferred several times. He told us what he did when he was first employed by the company and did every time he had to move to another branch: First told his boss and co-workers that he is a Christian. He never hid his Christian identity nor behaved evasively about his own faith. Thus, he has had no trouble in securing his privilege to participate in Sunday worship, even when the company needed his service on the Lord’s day. He says when he knew he was going to be busy, he worked harder during the week so that he could go to church. Appreciating his effort, his co-workers gave him kind approval for his absence on Sundays! This attitude is a rarity among the Japanese Christians. Without even having had to hear about his work as elder in the church, his testimony was a tremendous encouragement to all our members. Our small congregation has 13 adult members but the retreat counted twenty-three people including seekers.
To my right are Elder Sasaki & his wife
From Katie:
Our Women's Christmas Luncheon this year on Dec. 7 was a great time of blessing. Laurie Lauer from our mission brought a message of love that touched many hearts. For all the impressive politeness and helpfulness foreigners receive from the Japanese people, home life in Japan is often troubled. Without a Heavenly Father to turn to, a Shepherd to lean on, a Savior to cry with families flounder and fall apart. Wives, mothers and single women often despair of finding an answer. Laurie presented God's loving eagerness to embrace anyone who calls on Him. Jesus even died for them! Several women, some in tears, asked for help. Please pray for them, thanking God for the opportunity He has given to us, to present the sweetest carol ever sung to a roomful of dear friends who need Him so much.
To Katie’s right is our speaker, Laurie Lauer (in red)